BLET California State Legislative Board welcomes President Pierce, rallies by BLET’s mobile billboard
INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, April 27 — In San Diego today, members of the BLET’s California State Legislative Board, National President Dennis Pierce, and numerous other special guests rallied by a mobile billboard that is part of the union’s outreach campaign demanding that railroads invest in train crews and safety.
Ryan Snow, Chairman of the California State Legislative Board, welcomed President Pierce to San Diego for the Board’s quadrennial meeting. Also representing the BLET National Division at the meeting are: Vice President and National Legislative Representative Vince Verna; Director of Political Affairs Brendan Sullivan; and Director of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Eric Gabaldon. Numerous other BLET officers were in attendance, along with representatives from the BLET Auxiliary.
The BLET’s outreach campaign educates railroad investors and the general public about harsh railroad attendance policies, the dangers of PSR, and the stalled state of national contract negotiations. The message is being shared though digital and print advertising in numerous areas across the United States.
The California State Legislative Board quadrennial meeting will conclude tomorrow. President Pierce will then depart San Diego to travel to Omaha, Nebraska, in advance of the Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholders’ meeting on April 30. The BLET’s outreach campaign will continue there, and more updates will be provided in the coming days.