The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen’s Fifth National Convention will be held at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, from October 10-13, 2022.
Approximately 475 delegates will represent more than 33,000 active locomotive engineers and trainmen throughout the United States. They will be charged with evaluating and voting on changes to the Brotherhood’s Bylaws. Several invited dignitaries will address the delegates in session as part of the convention proceedings. Delegates will also hear reports from various BLET officers.
The convention will also be a nominating convention for BLET National Division Officers. Pursuant to the BLET Bylaws, the Rules for the 2022 BLET National Division Officers Election were published in the August-September 2021 issue of the Locomotive Engineers & Trainmen News. The Election Rules and other pertinent information can be found in the Members’ Area of the BLET National Division website.
Delegate registration for the BLET’s Fifth National Convention will take place on Sunday, October 9, 2022. The convention will begin on Monday, October 10 and will be held at Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, 3645 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109.