FELA Meaning: What is FELA?

FELA is the acronym for the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) of 1908 — a federal statute that makes it easier for federal employees to sue their employer railroad if they are injured, sickened or die as a result of their employment and negligence on the part of their employer.

How does FELA compare to workers’ compensation?

Workman’s compensation is a claim that is filed through the employer’s insurance company. An injury attorney versed in workers compensation will usually suffice. FELA (Federal Employer’s Liability Act) refers to a law allowing railroad workers to file a lawsuit in either the state or federal court if they are injured as a result of working for a railroad. FELA covers injury or death resulting from railroad employment.

FELA also entitles them to a trial by jury and an opportunity to pursue a favorable jury verdict. All claims are subject to FELA, while long-term disability and retirement benefits are administered by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). We are also well respected for our related work as workplace and industrial accident lawyers.

What kind of damages can you get from a FELA claim in Illinois?

Through submitting a FELA railroad claim, injured railroad officers, agents or employees can seek full compensation for their medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other losses. Plaintiffs in FELA (railroad employees)790 cases can seek: economic damages, non-economic damages, punitive damages, and wrongful death damages.

What if you lost a loved one in a railroad accident?

If you lost a loved one in a railroad accident, FELA does provide recourse. Hiring a train accident attorney who is experienced with FELA law is crucial. A FELA attorney looks out for you and your family’s financial well being, compensation for elements of life that you might not even be aware of at this time, and getting you back on the road to recovery.

We’re FELA attorneys in O’Fallon, Illinois. Our railroad accident attorneys handle these cases across the country. You will owe nothing in attorney fees unless you get compensation resulting from your FELA claim with the assistance of a FELA lawyer, St Clair County IL.

If you have been injured on the job or have lost a loved one in a railroad accident, or if you have been harassed for advocating for railroad safety, and need a railroad injury attorney.

Contact Info.

Kujawski & Associates, LLC

1331 Park Plaza Drive, Suite 2

O’Fallon, Illinois 62269-1764

Phone (618)622-3600 – Fax (618)622-3700

Toll Free (800)624-4571